Elizabeth Fathi


Elizabeth has worked in the charity sector for over fifteen years primarily as chief executive of an almshouse charity with additional experience as both chair and trustee of a variety of charities and community-led organisations. She has previously worked in planning and development as a consultant.

Governance and compliance have been central to Elizabeth’s work with charities and she has been instrumental as a mentor and coach to many charities who have looked to meet those regulations in a relevant and proportionate way. She has experience in incorporation, mergers, policy writing, strategy review and implementation as well as interim chief executive work and development appraisals to maximise assets.

Elizabeth is Chairman of The Almshouse Association a national charity representing 1600 almshouse providers. She has held various trustee roles, including some within family trusts. She is Clerk to The Linder Foundation.

You can reach Elizabeth at:

Mobile: 07957 764882
Email: [email protected]